
So Many Bubbles

We've meant to buy Jaxin a bubble machine for quite some time now. I could never find one that I liked enough though. We finally found one at Wal-Mart for $20 and Jason bought it for Jaxin. I think it might be the same bubble machine that Piper has because it blows big bubbles w/ little bubbles inside it just like hers. Jaxin loves bubbles-what kid doesn't? So he was ecstatic to see thousands of bubbles escaping this genius device.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

It is the same bubble machine that we have. Make sure you clean it out really well each time or it starts to not work so great after a while. Ours has dead batteries right now. We need to get some new ones.

Look How Much I've Grown!

Look How Much I've Grown!