
Cookie Monster

This was the first time I have let Jaxin help me make chocolate chip cookies. And to be honest with you I'm pretty sure I've never let him have a whole cookie to himself before. It's possible that Daddy has snuck him one though. He had a blast helping me. As you can see in the video, he freaked out over the choc. chips-LOVED THEM-and thought they were the coolest thing ever. He really enjoyed licking the egg beater, and of course loved eating the finished product. He's been asking me for cookies all day today. I gave him a few small bites, but not a whole cookie. Perhaps after dinner he can have one.


Pictures at 25 months

He wouldn't smile in any of the pictures with sand.

Sooooo precious, but I didn't get it. Picture People's sheets are so pricey!

I really wanted one like this but he had a funny face in this one and the others his eyes were closed. Jason likes it though (but he wasn't there to help pick out pictures).

***Diggin' for gold.
***His lobster friend is in the bucket. He thinks it's Larry the Lobster from SpongeBob Squarepants.
***This airplane was in the room that he was being photographed in. I had to let him sit on it because he loved it...can't ya tell!?

***What a lil ham.
I went to Picture People on Memorial Day to get Jaxin's pictures taken. I had walked by there the week before and they had the area up front set up as a beach scene. I had bought him these supercute crab swimtrunks and matching surf shirt from Gymboree, along w/ the stuffed lobster, and just knew I needed his picture taken....hehe. I also bought the boogie board (which was meant to look like a surf board), and was excited to get his pictures done. He did a great job during the session but it was hard to get smiles (except for when he was sitting on the airplane). That's what I expected though. He's at that age, and it's hard to get him to even look at the camera, let alone smile. I got four poses, which are identified with asterisks. Top fave was the one w/ the airplane; then the close-up of him smiling; then him standing w/ the lobster in the bucket; then the beach scene. I tried to save these pictures to my computer then make a slideshow, but I was having problems w/ that and it didn't work out. So I posted them individually and I know they are small....couldn't figure out how to do it otherwise. Hope you can see them! I'll be mailing them out soon!!!


Memorial Day Play

Let's play!


Monkey Boy


Color Catchers

This picture was made from silk and the box said that when you touched the paintbrush to it with watercolors on it that it would spread to the black lines. Well, it didn't really work that well. But Jaxin had lots of fun painting his best friends. Haha


No More Binkies!

I told myself long ago that I wasn't going to be one of these mothers that let her child walk around with a pacifier stuck in their mouth until they were far too old to have one. You know you've seen it....You're out at a restaurant or at the grocery and there's a child that's at least 3 and they're sucking on a pacifier AND talking. I didn't really want Jaxin to have one at all. But when we were in the hospital, apparently after they circumcised him, they decided to "cork" his mouth to "shut him up". Did anyone ask me how I felt about pacifiers? NO! (And they should have, knowing that I was breastfeeding him!) He was gone for what seemed like forever while they did the procedure, and when they brought him back, he was sucking quietly on a binki. NOT what I wanted. He didn't use one much while he was an infant. It was once he started cutting teeth that he really wanted one. So we caved in and gave it to him. Then he wanted it ALL the time. I admit, it was easier to just let him have it at that point than to listen to him scream for it. So then I set a limit. He could have it until he was two, and then it was disappearing. For the longest time, he only used it during naptime or at bedtime. He'd ask for it during the day, and we'd pretend we couldn't find it. Then he started biting them thinking it was funny. Well he bit holes in them and each time I would throw them away. Until we got down to one last binki. I told him, that's it, if you bite this one then bye bye binki. Of course you know what happened. He bit it, and so I cut the tip off of it thinking he wouldn't want it anymore. However, he still tried to suck on it, even though it wouldn't fit in his mouth any longer. So that I night I threw it away and we dealt with a VERY unhapppy two year old as he cried and screamed himself to sleep. It was very sad. Same situation the following night. That second day, he begged Nana for the binki, and when she said no, he cried and cried and told her he was sorry over and over, thinking he had done something wrong. Awwwww! So sad! We started taking him to the park to wear him out so he would go to sleep easier and that helped. Now he's fine when we go to bed and he doesn't even ask for it! It's been two weeks binki free. Yay!


Nana's Mother's Day Gift

So I stole this idea from my sister....Jaxin painted an 11x14 canvas for Nana for Mother's Day using different items we had around the house. I didn't get all the painting sessions on camera because mine was on the fritz at the time and then I got a new one. Items he used were a sponge, wire wisk, regular paintbrush, his fingers, and a spiky foam dish scrubber. We used colors that would match Nana's bedroom walls and quilt. I think it turned out nice and it looks great hanging on the wall in her room. Jaxin had tons of fun painting!


Got Crabs?

Got this shortall from Gymboree today-so cute :)

This is his serious face.

Lying inside his sandbox that isn't fully assembled yet (and needs to be moved outside).
Silly video of him doing his "crab walk/crawl"


Happy Mother's Day

Everyone went out for brunch today for Mother's Day. We went to Riverstone and they had a nice buffet of delicious food. Jaxin painted an 11x14 canvas for Nana using many different techniques and colors. I'll have to post those pictures later. It turned out really nice.

His shirt is a "foam hand" and says "Mom's #1 fan!

Flowers from Jaxin & Jason.

Jaxin & Nana

Mother & Son


King of The Castle...

playground that is. My friend, Sondra came over this morning and we decided to take Jaxin to a couple of new parks. One was all wooden and looked like a castle. In between parks we stopped and got some food for a picnic. It was so beautiful outside. The weather was perfect. Jaxin also was licking a chunk of pineapple like it was a popsicle & he liked it! That's really something coming from a kid who usually turns his nose up at any fruit and shoves it away....yay!

I took all these pictures with my new camera and I am in love with it. Now it's not an SLR camera like I wanted (and cannot afford right now), but it's so much better than what I had before. It's a Sony Cyber-shot 12.1 megapixels. The focus is amazing-such sharp clarity. It has a setting for smile recognition. You switch it to that mode and push the shutter button as if you're taking a picture...only the camera doesn't take the picture until the subject smiles. How cool is that?!? It has so many different editing options. You can leave the subject in color and turn part of the background into black & white. You can add vignettes. You can also leave the subject in focus and blur the background.

Here a a couple of pictures from the slideshow that I edited and wanted to post. I love the one of Jaxin holding hands with the girl-so precious.

Out With The Old....In With The New.

He had only had an hour nap yesterday day at Nana's. We went out to eat with Nana, Pop-pop, Aunt Mimi & Uncle Mike at Pizzario Uno's (YUM!!!) and afterwards Jason and I drove to UPS to pick up my camera since we had both worked yesterday and no one was here to sign for it. Jaxin fell asleep on the way home and was zonked out! This is the final picture taken with my old camera. I can't wait to try out the new one today!



Last month I bought Jaxin a betta, also known as the Siamese Fighting Fish. This one is a fantail betta. I prefer the crowntail bettas, however the pet store only had red ones, and I wanted a blue one. In the past I had a red crowntail betta-I'm not even sure if they're bred in other colors. Their tail fins are beautiful flowing spikes. Anyway, I don't have the time/money to invest in a large aquarium, and I do love bettas, so I figured Jaxin deserved some sort of "pet". The aquarium is really cool too because it has a led light w/ 7 colors to choose from or you can set the mode to switch through them all. Once everything was set up, Jaxin took great interest in this little fish. I jokingly said to Jason that we should name him Sushi. He didn't really have a name for a few days. Then Jaxin overheard Jason and I calling him Sushi, and he's picked up on it. He calls him "Ushi". We were getting ready to go upstairs tonight and he ran in the kitchen and pointed at him saying, "Ushi, Ushi." Jaxin likes to sit on the counter and watch him swim. Maybe someday we'll get a puppy. Haha

***I was lucky to get these pictures because my camera is on the fritz. When I go to turn it on the light flashes from green to red. I changed the batteries and that didn't help. Nothing seems to fix it. So, I ordered a new camera last night from Best Buy and it will be here no later than the 11th (hoping it gets here sooner!!!).

Look How Much I've Grown!

Look How Much I've Grown!