
Happy Turkey Day *gobble gobble*

Jaxin painted the "feathers" himself. I added the eyeball though. He did a great job and followed directions well for his age! He made tiny brushstrokes for the feathers after I showed him how and surprisingly didn't get each color all over the paper.

He was checking out the ads with mommy for some good deals. :)

Here he is watching cartoons and about to drift off to sleep. I love these pj's. Too bad he's only got to wear them twice before out-growing them!

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. Ours was wonderful. We had dinner at Jason's mom & step-dad's. Jason's sister was there as well as Frank's son & his wife & their two kids. Their son is 13, and Jaxin absolutely adores him. Nicky is such a good kid and entertained Jaxin a lot and they had fun playing. When everyone was getting ready to leave, Jaxin went and gave Frank's family a hug and kiss goodbye. It was so cute. Especially since he's only been around them maybe 4 or 5 different times.


Michelle said...

Great picture! He made such a cute turkey. I love the pj's too, and was thinking that even before I scrolled down to your comment on loving them too.

Ellerie said...

That turkey is wonderful!! I'm glad you had a great Thanksgiving! We're having ours Sunday, so I will let you know how it goes! :)

Look How Much I've Grown!

Look How Much I've Grown!