

Today we went to get Jaxin's hair cut. We go to Snip-Its which is a hair salon designed for children. He just loves it there. Even if we have to wait 20 min. he always finds something to occupy himself with. The image is mainly cartoony hair dryers, scissors, combs and such that dance around. They play videos and have tv's at every station. Afterwards he even gets a prize from the Magic Box. This was the third time he's been there. The first two times he got little containers of bubbles, but today he got a rubber duckie dressed as a police officer. The hair stylist did a wonderful job and his hair looks great! Which is amazing because he wasn't very cooperative today.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Aww...he's so handsome!

Look How Much I've Grown!

Look How Much I've Grown!