
Nana's Mother's Day Gift

So I stole this idea from my sister....Jaxin painted an 11x14 canvas for Nana for Mother's Day using different items we had around the house. I didn't get all the painting sessions on camera because mine was on the fritz at the time and then I got a new one. Items he used were a sponge, wire wisk, regular paintbrush, his fingers, and a spiky foam dish scrubber. We used colors that would match Nana's bedroom walls and quilt. I think it turned out nice and it looks great hanging on the wall in her room. Jaxin had tons of fun painting!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

It is beautiful, and I bet she loved it. He looks like he had a fun time doing it too.

Look How Much I've Grown!

Look How Much I've Grown!