I told myself long ago that I wasn't going to be one of these mothers that let her child walk around with a pacifier stuck in their mouth until they were far too old to have one. You know you've seen it....You're out at a restaurant or at the grocery and there's a child that's at least 3 and they're sucking on a pacifier AND talking. I didn't really want Jaxin to have one at all. But when we were in the hospital, apparently after they circumcised him, they decided to "cork" his mouth to "shut him up". Did anyone ask me how I felt about pacifiers? NO! (And they should have, knowing that I was breastfeeding him!) He was gone for what seemed like forever while they did the procedure, and when they brought him back, he was sucking quietly on a binki. NOT what I wanted. He didn't use one much while he was an infant. It was once he started cutting teeth that he really wanted one. So we caved in and gave it to him. Then he wanted it ALL the time. I admit, it was easier to just let him have it at that point than to listen to him scream for it. So then I set a limit. He could have it until he was two, and then it was disappearing. For the longest time, he only used it during naptime or at bedtime. He'd ask for it during the day, and we'd pretend we couldn't find it. Then he started biting them thinking it was funny. Well he bit holes in them and each time I would throw them away. Until we got down to one last binki. I told him, that's it, if you bite this one then bye bye binki. Of course you know what happened. He bit it, and so I cut the tip off of it thinking he wouldn't want it anymore. However, he still tried to suck on it, even though it wouldn't fit in his mouth any longer. So that I night I threw it away and we dealt with a VERY unhapppy two year old as he cried and screamed himself to sleep. It was very sad. Same situation the following night. That second day, he begged Nana for the binki, and when she said no, he cried and cried and told her he was sorry over and over, thinking he had done something wrong. Awwwww! So sad! We started taking him to the park to wear him out so he would go to sleep easier and that helped. Now he's fine when we go to bed and he doesn't even ask for it! It's been two weeks binki free. Yay!
1 comment:
Yay for the 2 weeks binki free!!!
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