Last month I bought Jaxin a betta, also known as the Siamese Fighting Fish. This one is a fantail betta. I prefer the crowntail bettas, however the pet store only had red ones, and I wanted a blue one. In the past I had a red crowntail betta-I'm not even sure if they're bred in other colors. Their tail fins are beautiful flowing spikes. Anyway, I don't have the time/money to invest in a large aquarium, and I do love bettas, so I figured Jaxin deserved some sort of "pet". The aquarium is really cool too because it has a led light w/ 7 colors to choose from or you can set the mode to switch through them all. Once everything was set up, Jaxin took great interest in this little fish. I jokingly said to Jason that we should name him Sushi. He didn't really have a name for a few days. Then Jaxin overheard Jason and I calling him Sushi, and he's picked up on it. He calls him "Ushi". We were getting ready to go upstairs tonight and he ran in the kitchen and pointed at him saying, "Ushi, Ushi." Jaxin likes to sit on the counter and watch him swim. Maybe someday we'll get a puppy. Haha
***I was lucky to get these pictures because my camera is on the fritz. When I go to turn it on the light flashes from green to red. I changed the batteries and that didn't help. Nothing seems to fix it. So, I ordered a new camera last night from Best Buy and it will be here no later than the 11th (hoping it gets here sooner!!!).
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