
His way or the highway?

Nana came over this morning after her workout to visit with Jaxin and ended up watching him for a few minutes while Jason went to get breakfast. Jaxin apparently thought it was a great idea to get out his bubbles and play; however, Nana did not. She told him no and wouldn't let him get out the bubble blower. She said he threw a fit and kept crying, "My Daddy....my Daddy." The second Jason came home with breakfast Jaxin went and got Nana. He led her to the door and told her to "Go!"

Sounds funny right? Yes and no....He's had quite the temper and attitude lately. If he doesn't get his way, there's a blood-curdling scream. He'll cry and whine and if he eventually gets his way, he smiles and laughs at us (he only gets his way once he's stopped screaming and I make him say sorry and give us a kiss if he's smacked us). He won't listen to anyone (except sometimes Pop-pop) and he's just all around defiant at times. If he throws something, I'll ask him to pick it up and he just ignores me. He's also going through a phase of smacking us in the face and kicking. I know he's just testing us and being a typical 2 year old, but it's still aggravating. I hope this phase ends soon.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I hear it only gets worse. :( I had to laugh when he told her to go though.

Look How Much I've Grown!

Look How Much I've Grown!