Here's a couple of cute stories about my munchkin:
The other night he was playing and tripped over something and hit his forearm on the coffee table. He looked at it and started a somewhat fake cry. He looked over at me and cried, "Mommy, mommy". So I told him to come over and I'd kiss it and make it better. He did, and I kissed his arm and said, "All better!" He smiled from ear to ear and walked away content. He started playing again. A few moments later I saw him eyeing up the coffee table. I watched to see what he would do, and what do you know...He walked right over to it and hit his arm (gently) on the table and started that fake cry again. I played along and kissed his arm again. Boy, he really thought he'd pulled one over on me. He went back to his toys and shortly after tried the routine again. I smiled at him and said, "Hey, mister! I see what you're up to." He just laughed at me and ran over so I would give him another kiss. Silly boy was trying to work his mother for all the kisses that he could (which is funny because I give him zillions of kisses every day).
Jaxin's vocabulary is at it's peak right now. He has a great vocabulary for his age and his pronunciation is perfect on 99% of the words he already knows. Just within the last couple of days though he's been repeating a lot of what he hears--we're really watching what we say now! For awhile he's been linking words together to form sentences. His newest one is five words long! He says, "Mommy, I'd like a baba." Baba meaning milk. He won't say milk yet...though when I ask him if he wants milk, he'll say "baba". He says the sentence really fast sometimes, and though his pronunciation is great, it cracks me up because it just sounds so funny when he's excited.
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