Their tank is a small ecosystem. The frog's food and bodily waste breaks down into nutrients which the bamboo plant then feeds on. In turn, the bamboo releases oxygen which the frogs breathe.
This is Optimus Prime, the smaller of the two. I believe it to be a male because the females are the larger of the species. His coloring is darker than Megatron's as well.
This is Optimus Prime again. He is burbling (floating in one position w/ arms and legs outstretched while balancing on one foot). They do this when they are being lazy-or are trying to conserve their energy so they don't have to surface as frequently.
This is Megatron. She is the bigger of the two and is lighter in color. She likes to pick on Optimus Prime sometimes. They are very playful & I've read that you must have two frogs in a tank at a time. They won't live very long by themselves. Maybe they get lonely?? What a great present for Valentine's Day! Thanks Nana & Pop-Pop!

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