Jaxin had his very first dentist appointment yesterday. When Jason had made the appt., they suggested that we talk to Jaxin about going to the dentist to prep him for his visit. So we talked to him about how they were going to brush his teeth and count them as well. He's really into counting right now, so he was excited about that. We took him to a place called Tickle Tooth Dental. They specialize in children and even have tv's on the ceiling above the patient chair. Jaxin got to lay back and watch cartoons during the whole procedure-how cool is that?!? They got out an alligator puppet that had a set of teeth like a human, which he really liked, and he got to count it's teeth. The dentist brushed his teeth with chocolate flavored toothpaste and gave him a marshmallow flavored flouride treatment! Where was all this when I was a child? haha He had an excellent visit and was an angel the entire time. No cavities! The dentist said that his 2 year molars should be coming in soon. He also commented that Jaxin may need to have braces later in life due to excessive spacing between his teeth--which is hereditary and he gets that from Daddy. But we both had braces as teenagers, so this was no surprise. After his visit he got 2 stickers-one Spongebob & one dinosaur, a fireman toothbrush, a tooth-shaped eraser from the treasure chest, and a sugar-free lollipop. I gave him the lollipop after dinner and he licked it a couple of times then handed it back. We thought maybe it tasted gross since it was sugar-free, so I tried it and I thought it tasted yummy. Not sure why he didn't like it. Oh well. He's goes back for another check-up in 6 months. Our lil guy is growing up so fast!
1 comment:
I'm glad he had a good visit. Count yourself lucky he didn't care for the sucker. Pipe expects to get them at the bank now, but she usually won't eat the whole thing at least.
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