
His way or the highway?

Nana came over this morning after her workout to visit with Jaxin and ended up watching him for a few minutes while Jason went to get breakfast. Jaxin apparently thought it was a great idea to get out his bubbles and play; however, Nana did not. She told him no and wouldn't let him get out the bubble blower. She said he threw a fit and kept crying, "My Daddy....my Daddy." The second Jason came home with breakfast Jaxin went and got Nana. He led her to the door and told her to "Go!"

Sounds funny right? Yes and no....He's had quite the temper and attitude lately. If he doesn't get his way, there's a blood-curdling scream. He'll cry and whine and if he eventually gets his way, he smiles and laughs at us (he only gets his way once he's stopped screaming and I make him say sorry and give us a kiss if he's smacked us). He won't listen to anyone (except sometimes Pop-pop) and he's just all around defiant at times. If he throws something, I'll ask him to pick it up and he just ignores me. He's also going through a phase of smacking us in the face and kicking. I know he's just testing us and being a typical 2 year old, but it's still aggravating. I hope this phase ends soon.


Saturday Scorcher

The weather has been absolutely gorgeous the past couple of days and is only going to continue throughout the week until Thursday. But along with the sunshine and blue skies were scorching temperatures which reached 90.3 today. We gave in and turned the a/c on around 4:30 p.m. It was over 95 degrees in the house!!! Jaxin got to play outside a lot today. He drove his car around for a while and then to the park. We only stayed at the park for about 15 mintues though. Just long enough for Jaxin to swing and go down the slides a few times. Later on, Jaxin and I went out back and colored w/ chalk and played w/ bubbles. He had a lot of fun and I think he'll sleep well tonight. *In the last picture I was trying to get a shot of him w/ his SpongeBob Squarepants hooded towel that he got from his Great Aunt Susie for his birthday....but just as I snapped the pic, he had dropped his towel! So, I cropped it a bit and had to post it anyway because he looks so stinkin cute! :)


Kisses & Milk

Here's a couple of cute stories about my munchkin:

The other night he was playing and tripped over something and hit his forearm on the coffee table. He looked at it and started a somewhat fake cry. He looked over at me and cried, "Mommy, mommy". So I told him to come over and I'd kiss it and make it better. He did, and I kissed his arm and said, "All better!" He smiled from ear to ear and walked away content. He started playing again. A few moments later I saw him eyeing up the coffee table. I watched to see what he would do, and what do you know...He walked right over to it and hit his arm (gently) on the table and started that fake cry again. I played along and kissed his arm again. Boy, he really thought he'd pulled one over on me. He went back to his toys and shortly after tried the routine again. I smiled at him and said, "Hey, mister! I see what you're up to." He just laughed at me and ran over so I would give him another kiss. Silly boy was trying to work his mother for all the kisses that he could (which is funny because I give him zillions of kisses every day).

Jaxin's vocabulary is at it's peak right now. He has a great vocabulary for his age and his pronunciation is perfect on 99% of the words he already knows. Just within the last couple of days though he's been repeating a lot of what he hears--we're really watching what we say now! For awhile he's been linking words together to form sentences. His newest one is five words long! He says, "Mommy, I'd like a baba." Baba meaning milk. He won't say milk yet...though when I ask him if he wants milk, he'll say "baba". He says the sentence really fast sometimes, and though his pronunciation is great, it cracks me up because it just sounds so funny when he's excited.


Fun Day At the Park

Like father like son.

He loves to swing in the big kid swing now.

I love this last shot...It's of Jason, his father, his sister, and Jaxin as we were taking a walk from the park to the pond. It was a gorgeous day & Jaxin had a great time with his Grandpa while he was visiting from Indiana.


Jaxin's 2nd Birthday

Jaxin had an amazing birthday! It was a beautiful day outside to begin with and both Jason and myself had arranged to take the day off. We first took him to Bounce U for a pre-school playdate. We've went once before and he loved it. However, this time around, he was the only child there! I guess no one else wanted to bring their children because of the beautiful weather. He had the whole gym to himself and he enjoyed going down the big slide a few times as well as going through the obstacle course over and over again. But eventually, he was bored with it because he didn't have any little friends to play with.

He got more presents than any child would ever need...but I know he will play with them all. I only took pictures of some of his gifts because I was helping him open them and couldn't take many pictures. One big present he got that you don't see is a Big Top sandbox that Jason got for him. I haven't set it up yet but once I do, I will post pictures of it. It's really nice.

His favorite presents were the many hot wheels cars I got him and the "spiral race machine" that Grandpa Isaacs got him. He could sit and play for an hour with that and cheerfully entertain himself. He absolutely loves his Lightning McQueen electric car that Aunt Mimi got him. He also loves the paint w/ water book that Aunt Michelle got him...he asks to do that a lot. Thank you to everyone for all the gifts!

It's hard to believe that he's 2 years old now. He's grown so much and has developed such a personality. He's his own person....happy, silly, goofy, stubborn, clownish, artistic and loveable. He's our pride and joy and we look forward to celebrating all the birthdays to come.


Easter pictures

Jaxin got so many things for Easter and he had tons of fun coloring Easter eggs! I didn't take any pics of him w/ the Easter basket I got him because I was busy video-taping w/ the camcorder. I did snap a couple shots of him w/ the basket that Grandpa Isaacs got him. On Easter Sunday, we had dinner at Nana & Pop-Pop's w/ them, Aunt Mimi, Uncle Mike and some of Frank's family too. Jaxin had fun being the center of attention. We had an egg hunt in the back yard for him also. He looked very handsome in his Easter outfit as well! (which I didn't get any pictures of....I know, I know....) Hope everyone had a great Easter!


Hip to the Hop

Here comes Jaxin Cottontail hopping down the bunny trail. Hippity Hoppity....Easter's on it's way!
We saw a bunny in the back yard today and Jaxin went crazy over it. I think it might be the same one from last year, because it is larger. Who knows. But it was very cute with it's twitchy nose and fluffy white tail.


Follow The Leader

Wanita and I took Jaxin to Bounce U today for a preschool playdate. I've been wanting to take him for a long time, but they only have them during the day on weekdays-when I'm always at work. Since I was off today for the holiday, I was excited to get to take him. He doesn't get much social interaction w/ other children, so this was great for him. This was his second time to Bounce U and he had a lot of fun. He did well with the other kids too. Most of them were older than him. There were quite a few young babies there as well w/ their older siblings. He kept following the other kids around and climbing wherever they would go. Then, when they were done bouncing, so was he, and he'd follow them to the next area. So that was a good sign to see that he wanted to play with them and be part of the group. He also does very well sharing. Him and a little girl were walking towards the same car and he let her have it and he moved on to the the next one. Later, as you can see in the picture, he tried to push her around in the car (without much luck though). It was really cute! After an hour of bounce time, the kids go to another room for snack time. He had Cheese-It and Goldfish crackers. When we were getting ready to leave, he ran back to the bounce room and was disappointed when he saw everything was deflated already...next time kiddo! He zonked out the minute we got home and I laid him down.

Look How Much I've Grown!

Look How Much I've Grown!