As a reward I gave him 3 cookies. But these weren't any ordinary cookies. Yesterday, Aunt Mimi brought over Girl Scout cookies for both Daddy & Jaxin. That's right....Jaxin got his very own box of Girl Scout cookies! They are now called "shortbread" cookies, but when I was a Girl Scout they were called Trefoils. I honestly don't like that they changed the name of some of the cookies! Once loved Tagalongs are now called Peanut Butter Patties, while Samoas have adapted the name Carmel Delites. I researched and found that the names vary depending on the area. In Detroit, Michigan, the original names are used. How odd! My favorites are Thin Mints and Samoas. I'll admit, that I gave Jaxin a small bite of a Thin Mint and he looooved it! Imagine that! :)
These beloved shortbread cookies were once Jaxin's Great-Grandpa Gordon Smelser's favorite of all the Girl Scout Cookies. When I was a little girl he used to tell me that he wouldn't order them unless they had his initials on them, G.S. At one time, they actually did have G.S. on the cookies, but I'm not sure when they stopped doing that.

Jaxin was even so nice as to share with his Cookie Monster. How cute is that!
Jaxin was even so nice as to share with his Cookie Monster. How cute is that!
That is so cute and his hair looks great! Very handsome!
Oh, and Brian is going to crap himself as soon as he finds out it is Girl Scout Season (as he calls it). I can't wait to tell him! :)
I haven't ordered any cookies yet, but they are usually everywhere outside stores. There are a couple of teachers who sell them for their kids too, so I"m sure I'll get my fix of thin mints.
I noticed a few years ago that different regions have different names for the cookies too.
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