C is for Cookie
We took Jaxin to get his hair cut today at Snip-It's. He just had his hair cut roughly 2 weeks ago. Daddy & Nana took him then and he didn't get much hair at all cut off. It grows so quickly, so today I decided I wanted it shorter than normal. I think it turned out really cute. The lady used clippers and scissors on him and he was VERY good today. It's hit or miss with him these days. But he was a trooper, especially since we had a 45 minute wait!

As a reward I gave him 3 cookies. But these weren't any ordinary cookies. Yesterday, Aunt Mimi brought over Girl Scout cookies for both Daddy & Jaxin. That's right....Jaxin got his very own box of Girl Scout cookies! They are now called "shortbread" cookies, but when I was a Girl Scout they were called Trefoils. I honestly don't like that they changed the name of some of the cookies! Once loved Tagalongs are now called Peanut Butter Patties, while Samoas have adapted the name Carmel Delites. I researched and found that the names vary depending on the area. In Detroit, Michigan, the original names are used. How odd! My favorites are Thin Mints and Samoas. I'll admit, that I gave Jaxin a small bite of a Thin Mint and he looooved it! Imagine that! :)
As a reward I gave him 3 cookies. But these weren't any ordinary cookies. Yesterday, Aunt Mimi brought over Girl Scout cookies for both Daddy & Jaxin. That's right....Jaxin got his very own box of Girl Scout cookies! They are now called "shortbread" cookies, but when I was a Girl Scout they were called Trefoils. I honestly don't like that they changed the name of some of the cookies! Once loved Tagalongs are now called Peanut Butter Patties, while Samoas have adapted the name Carmel Delites. I researched and found that the names vary depending on the area. In Detroit, Michigan, the original names are used. How odd! My favorites are Thin Mints and Samoas. I'll admit, that I gave Jaxin a small bite of a Thin Mint and he looooved it! Imagine that! :)
These beloved shortbread cookies were once Jaxin's Great-Grandpa Gordon Smelser's favorite of all the Girl Scout Cookies. When I was a little girl he used to tell me that he wouldn't order them unless they had his initials on them, G.S. At one time, they actually did have G.S. on the cookies, but I'm not sure when they stopped doing that.

Jaxin was even so nice as to share with his Cookie Monster. How cute is that!
Jaxin was even so nice as to share with his Cookie Monster. How cute is that!
Angels Among Us
~In Our Hearts~
We thought of you with love today,
But that is nothing new.
We thought about you yesterday,
And days before that too.
We think of you in silence,
We often speak your name.
Now all we have are memories,
And your picture in a frame.
Your memory is our keepsake,
With which we'll never part.
God has you in his keeping,
We have you in our hearts.
I put a picture of my Mom and angel wings in Jaxin's room last week and pointed it out to him and explained that this was Mommy's mommy and that she lives in Heaven. I told him she was his other grandma; his other "nana". While I was at work the other day, Jason was changing Jaxin's diaper and Jaxin pointed up to the picture and said, "Nana". Awwww. It's so sad that Mom can't be here to do all the things that grandmas do. To read him books and tell him stories and do arts and crafts with him...which she loved doing too. She would've been so thrilled to spend time with both Jaxin and Piper. I know she's watching over them and smiling.
Somehow this shows a still from his bubble video which I did not intentionally add. Couldn't remove it for some reason. Video is a bit dark...we need better lighting in our living room. But he had lots of fun.
Baby Go Boom
Jaxin loves to be chased...."I'm gonna get you!"....But he has a bad habit of turning around to see if you're still chasing him and doesn't always watch where he's going. My friend, Sondra, was over the other night playing this game with him. He wasn't paying attention to where he was going and ran right into the stairway banister then fell and hit his head again on the square base (I'm guessing right on the corner of it too). Now he has one nasty scab, bruising on the corner of his eye and forehead, and a black eye. Poor punkinhead!
Jaxin's Big Top
And the main attraction is...JAXIN! He got this tent from Aunt Mimi for Christmas. The living room is overcrowded with toys so Jason came up with the idea of putting his couch inside the tent to make his reading nook even more intriguing. It took Jaxin a couple nights to warm up to it but earlier we caught him crawling in and curling up with a good book.
Reading Nook
Nana brought over Jaxin's oversized chair today that Aunt Mimi got Jaxin for Christmas (we hadn't gotten it yet because we weren't sure if it would fit in the back of our Rav4). I replaced his sofa with the chair and decided to bring the sofa upstairs. I put it in the corner of our bedroom along w/ a basket full of board books. He has a bookshelf full of books in his bedroom, but he tends to want to just pull them all off and put them in his dresser drawers. I thought that maybe this nook would encourage him to "read" more by himself again, rather than just with me.
Skater Boie
Jaxin got a new pair of shoes tonight. He's in a size 7 now. He no longer wears a "wide". Bye-bye chubby tootsies! He got a pair of Etnies (skater shoes). They are super cute and have little lions on them. I love them. We usually go to Stride Rite but tonight we went to Olly's-shoes fit for a kid. I heard about them through a woman I work with. They use a computer scan to measure your child's feet. Jaxin stood inside a big wooden train and they scanned one foot at a time. It was really awesome. They had a huge selection of shoes to choose from and the prices weren't bad. We got his Etnies for $29.95 and most of his shoes from Stride Rite have been in the $50 range. Olly's did have some shoes that cost more, but they were still reasonable. We will definitely be going back!
"Helping" With Laundry
I left the room for just a minute to start the washer and put detergent in it and when I came back....Well, I guess Jaxin was trying to help me sort laundry. As soon as he saw me he laughed. Also, have to add that the the other day while I was giving him a bath he farted. He turned around as if to look at his butt, and said, "Bubble!" It was hilarious!
So Grown Up
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