Let it Snow Let it Snow Let it Snow
It started snowing early Saturday morning and didn't stop until very late that night. I have no idea how many inches we technically got, because there was a lot of wind which created drifts in some areas. But I'd say we got a foot and a half at least. We were snowed in pretty much on Saturday and had to dig our way out today. Jason went out this morning to shovel the sidewalk and made a path to his car. Our court had not been plowed yet so it was pretty bad. The roads were decent though. He went out to get us some breakfast and then I went out later to dig my car out. I ended up going to get gas and some groceries. After Jaxin had taken his nap, I bundled him up and took him out to play in the snow. The first snowfall we had, he had bronchitis and wasn't able to go play. He was super excited and had a ton of fun. He threw a lot of snowballs at me and even made a snow angel. We only stayed out for about ten minutes because we were getting cold and his nose started running. I had to practically drag him inside. He was so upset that we had to go in. I promised him Daddy would take him back out tomorrow while I'm at work. He told me he wants to build a snowman when Grandpa comes to visit. (Jason's Dad is driving in on Tuesday for the holiday.) He told me all about how he has to give it eyes, a nose, a mouth, arms & a hat & scarf. :)

Santa Claus is Coming to Town
Naughty or Nice?
We took Jaxin last Saturday on a carriage ride w/ Santa Claus. It was something the community was doing for the kids and it was free! We did leave a tip though. Jaxin sat beside Santa the whole time (it was only a 2 minute ride) and told him what he wanted for Christmas. He said he wanted a dinosaur, a dumptruck, and lots of toys. Santa asked him if he'd been a good boy and Jaxin said, "Oh yeah!" He told Santa that he'd been going pee pee on the potty a lot. Santa said he would work on getting him a dumptruck as long as he was a good boy. Santa told him goodbye and gave him an activity coloring book. I am so glad that he's not scared of Santa this year. Yay! We're going to take him soon to get pictures taken w/ Santa at the mall. When I ask him if he wants to go see Santa, he replies, "Yeah! I go see Santa and sit on his lap and tell him I want toys!" :)
Strasburg Railroad
He heard the train whistle and was excited!
So cute! He was holding Daddy's hand most of the way.

Pumpkin patch...many were smashed!

We took a trip to the Strasburg Railroad Station a couple of weeks ago and took a 45 minute train ride through Paradise, PA. Jaxin enjoyed it and was excited to see the trains. He loved the train whistle. Perhaps we'll go back again when they have Thomas the Train there or when Santa visits. We got there late in the day and didn't get to walk around much to look at the shops they had. Plus, we want to visit the museum next time as well! It was a chilly day, but we all had fun.
Pumpkin patch...many were smashed!
We took a trip to the Strasburg Railroad Station a couple of weeks ago and took a 45 minute train ride through Paradise, PA. Jaxin enjoyed it and was excited to see the trains. He loved the train whistle. Perhaps we'll go back again when they have Thomas the Train there or when Santa visits. We got there late in the day and didn't get to walk around much to look at the shops they had. Plus, we want to visit the museum next time as well! It was a chilly day, but we all had fun.
Turkey Day
We spent Thanksgiving at Nana & Pop-Pop's. Nana tried to sneak Jaxin some real mashed potatoes & turkey, but he knew before he even took one bite that it wasn't one of his graduate meals. He's such a picky eater! He did have a lot of fun playing w/ Nicky & Tommy (Frank's grandson & son). Jaxin was laughing so much I thought his belly was going to hurt! I put him in his Indian costume for part of the day and he asked me if he was going trick or treating. haha :) Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!
Trick Or Treat

Jaxin had a lot of fun this Halloween. He got to go trick or treating several times. We went once at a local strip mall. Once at the main mall. And finally we trick-or-treated around our court on Halloween. He absolutely loved going and continued to ask me for several days if he could go again. I couldn't believe how much candy he received! He got to enjoy some of it, as did Mommy & Daddy. Then whatever was left that we didn't want I took to work. He made such a cute lil Indian Boy. He let me paint his face a few different times & was pretty good for his pictures we had taken. I wonder what my lil monster will be next year!
Much Overdue!

Look how adorable Jaxin looks in this one:

Awww, I love this pic of Jason & Jaxin:

Jaxin is always giving us kisses & then continues to smash his face into ours for what seems like forever....He's doing this in the pic below:
I'm relieved that we finally have some family portraits now. I'm not thrilled with the family pics we got, but these were the only ones to choose from. Jaxin was not very cooperative & kept squirming a lot and putting his hands in his face, but he honestly did well for his age. In fact, he looks great in all the shots! I can't wait until he's a little older though and will sit still for more poses. We've both agreed to not do this again for a couple of years!!!
Tickle Tooth

Jaxin had his very first dentist appointment yesterday. When Jason had made the appt., they suggested that we talk to Jaxin about going to the dentist to prep him for his visit. So we talked to him about how they were going to brush his teeth and count them as well. He's really into counting right now, so he was excited about that. We took him to a place called Tickle Tooth Dental. They specialize in children and even have tv's on the ceiling above the patient chair. Jaxin got to lay back and watch cartoons during the whole procedure-how cool is that?!? They got out an alligator puppet that had a set of teeth like a human, which he really liked, and he got to count it's teeth. The dentist brushed his teeth with chocolate flavored toothpaste and gave him a marshmallow flavored flouride treatment! Where was all this when I was a child? haha He had an excellent visit and was an angel the entire time. No cavities! The dentist said that his 2 year molars should be coming in soon. He also commented that Jaxin may need to have braces later in life due to excessive spacing between his teeth--which is hereditary and he gets that from Daddy. But we both had braces as teenagers, so this was no surprise. After his visit he got 2 stickers-one Spongebob & one dinosaur, a fireman toothbrush, a tooth-shaped eraser from the treasure chest, and a sugar-free lollipop. I gave him the lollipop after dinner and he licked it a couple of times then handed it back. We thought maybe it tasted gross since it was sugar-free, so I tried it and I thought it tasted yummy. Not sure why he didn't like it. Oh well. He's goes back for another check-up in 6 months. Our lil guy is growing up so fast!
He loves Dumbo!
Jaxin will watch Dumbo 5 times a day if you let him. He loves to narrate the story each time as well. He'll tell me about all of the animals that the storks bring, and when Dumbo's mommy is sad when she doesn't get him right away. He sings happy birthday to Dumbo and loves to imitate the mouse while he's scaring the other elephants that make fun of Dumbo. It's so cute to watch him interact with the movie.
I <3 LOVE <3 Autumn
Fall is my favorite time of year. I love watching the leaves change color week after week. To feel them crunch beneath my feet. Seeing piles of leaves, I feel like a kid again, ready to run and leap into them. I love the cool crisp air. The fall decorations, whether they are scarecrows, pumpkins, and bales of hay, or witches, bats, ghosts & goblins. The smells of warm pumpkin pie, apple cider and caramel apples. Just thought I would share a few of my favorite autumn photos of Jaxin so far this year.
Happy Birthday, Piper!
We hope you have a great birthday, Piper! We miss and love you bunches!
***Jaxin was looking at books while we were singing and that's why he wouldn't look at the camera.
Philadelphia Zoo 08.30.09
Jaxin had his first visit at the zoo the end of August. He absolutely loved it! He's been asking every day since if he can go back. Good thing we got a membership while we were there. Jaxin paid for the whole thing w/ money from his piggy bank at Nana's. Thank you Jaxin for a wonderful day! We'd like to take him back sometime this month and then also in October for their Halloween event.
A Stroll Through Memory Lane
One of the days while we were visiting everyone in Indiana, Jaxin & I met up w/ Aunt Tabetha. The three of us went to Goodrich Park. I had wanted to take Jaxin there because I had played there many times as a child myself. My favorite thing was the catepillar, which is still there! They had added a lot of new things, but much of the original was still intact. I was disappointed that they removed the bridges from behind the park that once crossed the stream. I have so many memories from sitting and playing on those bridges. When I was in Girl Scouts, we set up camp near there and played games on the bridges. My best childhood friend, Kami, and I would catch crawdad's down there too in the summertime. Anyway, after we played at the park (it was soooo hot & humid out), we went to the China House for lunch & then to the House of Flavors for dessert. I had a black raspberry milkshake. Tabetha had sugar cookie icecream. And Jaxin had a SpongeBob Squarepants popsicle-well, he didn't like it much and ended up drinking some of my milkshake. We had a fun day! Tabetha, I wish we lived closer and could do this more often!!! Wish Brian could have came that day. We miss you guys.
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