Summer Fun Days @ My Gym
Jaxin has been going to My Gym for a while now. His normal routine was "free play" on Tuesday nights for an hour-meaning no structured class & then he had class on Wednesday mornings for an hour. He really loves the place and I think it will be a big help socially for when he starts pre-school. My Gym does not offer normal classes during the summer, however; they do offer "Summer Fun Days". Nana decided to enroll him in all ten weeks as a present for his birthday. Each week has a different theme. They are: All About Me, Seashore, Patriotic, Wild West, Garden, Dinosaur, Around The World, Sports, Pirate, & Circus. He goes on Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and he stays there by himself. The parents drop their kids off and the teachers take them inside. He starts pre-school this fall, so this is a nice way to get him adjusted to having to stay somewhere without one of us present. His first "fun day" went well and he had a blast! He didn't really tell us a whole lot about what he did except that he had soooo much fun. He said they played games, sang songs, had cookies for snack time & juice (he didn't like the juice and got his own water instead), and he made a star and put foam letters all over the back of it and on the front was supposed to have his name, but someone gave him the letters to spell "Jack" which is why we spelled his name different in the first place so that people wouldn't call him Jack. Oh well. He was super excited when Daddy picked him up at noon and he eventually wound down and ate lunch and took a long nap. I can't believe our "baby" is so grown up now that he stays somewhere without wanting or asking for any of us. It's a little sad to Jason and I, but we're very proud of him all the same. Here are some pictures Jason took of Jaxin as he & Nana were dropping him off for his first week:

Jaxin was so excited that he got to get a back pack to take w/ him. It's a Batman back pack & he loves it!
Jaxin's Trip To Indiana With Daddy
Jaxin had a great week spent with Daddy & Grandpa Isaacs. They kept busy, spending time at the park playing on the playground, swimming, visiting his with his great aunts, playing putt-putt while visiting with his Great Aunt Vera, having a blast at Kings Island, a cook-out, and so much more. He had a great "bachelor" week, but missed his own bed I think. I missed him like crazy as this was the first time he had been away from me for more than one night. I'm glad they had a great time but am very happy to have him home! :) Here's some pics of his adventures:
Posing while Daddy & Grandpa ate at El Rodeo.
Here he was waiting in line to ride the Beastie....but he was an inch too short and was verrrrry sad that they wouldn't let him ride it. He can't wait until next year when he'll be tall enough.
He was screaming and running around like a madman! All the while, Daddy was freaking out because he's scared of heights.
He was parched!
He got to spend time at Glenn Miller Park with his Great Aunt Susie (in pic) & also his Great Aunt Mary Lou.

Trip to Indiana

Jason and Jaxin left this morning for their trip to Indiana. This is a picture of Jaxin watching a movie in the car. Jason got him a portable dvd player for his birthday. He was watching Dumbo. Unfortunately, I had to stay home because I have to work this week. Also, I'm still sore from when I broke my tailbone. It's getting progressively better though and I plan on driving to Indiana w/ Jaxin in August. I hope this week goes by fast because I already miss my lil monster. :( I know the guys will have a fun time though. They are going to Kings Island sometime this week. Jaxin was very excited and says he really wants to ride some roller coasters-well kiddie coasters...but they'll be scary/exciting to him I'm sure.
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