2009 was a very eventful year for Jaxin. He was privileged enough to get to visit many places for the first time this year. From A -aquarium to Z - zoo, he loved them all. He was able to visit with family from Indiana on numerous occasions as well and developed a great admiration for Uncle Brian & Aunt Tabetha. He adores his Aunt Michelle and loves for her to read to him. He loves to laugh with/at both of his Grandpas. He loves his cousin, Piper, and is excited to meet his new cousin this year. Aunt Mimi Isaacs will always have his heart. Nana is his bestest friend ever & Pop-pop is his sports go to guy. Our lil man grew up a lot in 2009. He lost his baby fat and is now skinny! His vocabulary is astounding and he amazes me every day with new words and longer sentences. He says the silliest things and makes us laugh every day. Can't wait to see what 2010 has to offer!

-Language peaked
-Began saying his first sentences: "Where's Daddy at?" "Is Bobby on?" "Me eat"
-Learned to make several animal noises
-Had a huge interest in reading books this month
-Tried Girl Scout Cookies for the first time

-Wanted to do art activities constantly
-Went to Bounce U for the first time
-Learns his colors & shapes
-Learns to "swim" in the bathtub
-Likes to help Mommy cook

-Starts saying please & thank you
-Covers mouth when coughing
-Has huge interest in shoes (can put on/take off his own)
-Likes to splash/stomp in rain puddles
-Won the Beautiful Baby Contest & a $50 savings bond
-Has his first Easter Egg Hunt & colors eggs for the first time

-Turns 2 years old & has birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese
-Grandpa Isaacs comes to visit
-Great Aunt Susie visits as well
-Terrible Two's begin and the attitude/temper starts to show
-Can jump off the ground with both feet
-Loves to be outside (really enjoys the park)
-Uses sentences up to 6 words long
-Personality is silly, goofy, stubborn, clownish, artisitic & loveable

-Says goodbye to the binki (pacifier)
-Gets his first pet (a beta fish named Sushi)
-Loves to work more complex puzzles
-Loves sports of all kinds

-Loves to play in sandbox
-Becomes a daredevil
-Likes to play his guitar and sing songs
-Had a visit from Uncle Brian & Aunt Tabetha
-Discovered what milkshakes were (Thanks to Daddy!)

-Aunt Michelle & Piper visit
-Went to Dutch Wonderland, The Please Touch Museum, & The Crayola Factory
-Went to a petting zoo
-First trip to an aquarium
-Wore his first tuxedo (for Nana's birthday pictures)
-LOVES going to the pool

-Enjoyed his first ice cream cone
-Has tons of energy and is very active
-Visited family in Indiana (saw Grandpa Smelser for the first time since we had moved to Pennsylvania)
-Went to Kings Island for the first time and rode his first roller coaster
-First trip to the Zoo
-First trip to Monkey Joes
-Huge leaps in vocabulary again
-Uses sentences up to 10 words long

-Discovers Disney movies and enjoys them (especially Dumbo)
-Begins to pee in the potty regulary
-Is a Daddy's boy this month
-Daddy got a promotion this month
-Developed a love for dinosaurs
-Begins using pronouns in sentences

-First trip to the dentist
-Learns to ride his tricycle
-Says his full name
-Went trick-or-treating as an Indian
-Lots of imaginative play this month
-First family pictures are taken
-Takes his first train ride
-Can count to ten
-Begins classes at MyGym
-Daddy has a week's vacation and Jaxin was really attached
-Helps Mommy & Daddy decorate the Christmas tree
-Understands who Santa is and is excited to sit on his lap and ask for toys
-Grandpa Isaacs visited with his two dogs
-Mommy & Jaxin drove to Indiana by themselves to visit family
-Celebrated "first Christmas" with family in Indiana
-Made pizza from scratch with Uncle Brian
-Loved playing with Aunt Tabetha & Uncle Brian's cats