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Let's Make a Splash!
I bought Jaxin this adorable raincoat w/ matching boots from Ebay and received it in the mail today. It just so happened to have rained last night and there were puddles just calling his name! He's always trying to stomp in puddles when we're outside so I knew he'd love it once I let him go wild with it. By the time I tried to get a video of him he was done splashing in just one puddle and had decided he enjoyed running through all the puddles; back and forth, over and over again.
Easter Preview
Our development had it's Easter Egg Hunt & Party early this year. This was Jaxin's first egg hunt and he looooved it! He looked so cute squatting down to pick up all the eggs. I'm going to have to buy tons of eggs to put in our back yard for Jaxin to pick up on Easter morning. He smiled and laughed every time he saw the Easter Bunny, but he wouldn't get very close to him. Next year will be better. He was a bit timid this year. I am so glad that Spring is finally here and can't wait for the weather to warm up a bit more.
Oh, The Things Kids Do!
Disgusting! He thinks it's hilarious and does this every so often. What a silly boy! Yuck. =cP*
P.S. Yes, that's me screaming at the end...he always giggles when I scream at him and sometimes screams back! :)
Yeah, He's Kinda A Big Deal
Aunt Mimi entered Jaxin into Chester County's Beautiful Babies & Cutest Kids Contest. We found out about it sort of last minute and even missed the first printing of all the contestants. I looked it up online and found a link with all the babies/kids for each age group. To vote, I'd have had to print out a ballet (we don't have a printer), then mail it in or go to the newspaper itself...which I never did either. And neither did anyone else in the family. I did know, however, when the announcement of winners was going to be, and mentioned something to Michelle that day. She went home and checked her newspaper, and sure enough, Jaxin had won for his age group! We were all shocked because none of us had even voted! He won a $50 savings bond.
Big Flirt
The three of us went out to eat with Nana & Pop-pop at T.G.I. Friday's tonight. Jaxin is fairly well behaved when we go out, so long as he isn't sleepy. He loves talking to other people and being the center of attention. Well, tonight, as our waitress was taking our order, Jaxin was staring up at her and smiling...trying to get her attention. She talked to him a bit, then focused back on our order. Then out of nowhere, he reaches behind her and smacks her on the butt and says, "Butt!" I didn't notice at at first, but Nana did. Then he just kept doing it. The waitress thought it was funny and started laughing. And of course, Jaxin had a huge mischievious grin on his face as well. He's such a flirt and will do anything to get a laugh.
Is it a Yeti? A Sasquatch? NO, it's the Abominable Jaxin!
The Yeti's tracks? Nope, it's Jaxin's very first snow angel!

I finally found some snowboots for Jaxin online and received them a couple weeks ago, and we were just waiting for it to snow again....It started snowing Sunday night and continued throughout the day Monday. We accumulated roughly 6 inches I'd say. There were high winds, so we have decent drifts in areas. I took Jaxin outside to play yesterday and I *think* he liked it. He was a little scared to walk in his boots and the poor guy had a zillion layers on (3 shirts, 2 pairs sweatpants, 2 pairs socks, snowsuit overalls, jacket, gloves, hat, and heavily insulated boots), that it was probably difficult enough to walk in the house, let alone through snow! He laughed when I'd kick the snow or throw it. But he started to get upset when he got cold (which wasn't long after we were outside). We stayed out for maybe 10-15 minutes, then trudged back in once I noticed rosey cheeks and even a tear running down his face (from the cold and wind). He was upset when we came inside and kept pointing outside....he needed a nap. Perhaps if it's warmer, we'll try again tomorrow.
Who doesn't love cupcakes?!?
These cupcakes are so delicious! I ate two last night, and Jason has had a total of at least 7 so far! Punkie had lots of fun helping me make these. Once he realized it was food, and licked his finger, his eyes nearly popped out of their sockets with excitement! He would have licked the bowl clean, had I let him.
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