Pop-pop bought Jaxin a set of holiday Mickey & Minnie stuffed animals that are nearly as tall as he is. He really likes them and has been giving them hugs and kisses all day. He's so sweet & such a cuddle bear!

Happy Turkey Day *gobble gobble*
Jaxin painted the "feathers" himself. I added the eyeball though. He did a great job and followed directions well for his age! He made tiny brushstrokes for the feathers after I showed him how and surprisingly didn't get each color all over the paper.
He was checking out the ads with mommy for some good deals. :)
Here he is watching cartoons and about to drift off to sleep. I love these pj's. Too bad he's only got to wear them twice before out-growing them!
Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. Ours was wonderful. We had dinner at Jason's mom & step-dad's. Jason's sister was there as well as Frank's son & his wife & their two kids. Their son is 13, and Jaxin absolutely adores him. Nicky is such a good kid and entertained Jaxin a lot and they had fun playing. When everyone was getting ready to leave, Jaxin went and gave Frank's family a hug and kiss goodbye. It was so cute. Especially since he's only been around them maybe 4 or 5 different times.
Mama's Boy
I love the expression on my lil munchkin's face in this pic. He has always been a mama's boy, but lately it's been getting worse. I can't even take a shower without him screaming like a banshee! The second I walk out of a room, he comes running after me like a lil puppy. He'll cling to my leg and whine, "Mommy! Mommy!" As I'm typing this he's sitting in the recliner with me, playing with my hair. Which is actually quite adorable and I like it. Wanita said that Jason used to play with her hair when he was Jaxin's age. I've heard that all lil boys simply adore their mommies....and I'm lovin it.
He LOVES Chuck E. Cheese
For Jaxin's 19 month "birthday" we went to Chuck E. Cheese. This was the first time that I have been with him. He's been several times with Grandma, Aunt Michelle I., and Daddy. This time, everyone went. He absolutely loves that place. The second we pulled up he saw the sign outside and just pointed and went crazy. Then when we walked in the door I could barely get his coat off before he started running off to play. He had a ton of fun and it didn't even cost us anything because we had leftover tokens from the last time he'd been there. We're going back on Sunday. He'll be pleasantly surprised!
Rainy Day Art
This past Saturday I had planned on taking pictures of Jaxin & Jason outside. However, it ended up raining all day. So instead, we had a very artsy day! We did several different art projects. For the project above, I glued cheerios, pasta, and cut-up pieces of straws on paper and let him paint it. He seemed to really enjoy the different textures.
Then it was time to get messy with purple paint and two hues of green with just your basic fingerpainting. And last but not least was a very interesting project, which is my favorite thus far. I took an empty can (mine was bread crumbs...a Pringles can would work well too!) and inserted our blank piece of paper. I then soaked tiny sponges. One with red paint and one with blue and dropped them inside the can. Next, I coated marbles and dropped them in as well. I put the lid on and taped it (just to insure there was no mess). Then I handed it off to Jaxin and told him to shake it. I sang songs and he shook the can and danced. The marbles made a lot of noise which he liked. I think younger babies would enjoy this project as well because it's basically a homemade rattle. So after our little shakedown, I pulled out the paper and we admired it.
I got a dollar. I got a dollar. I got a dollar...Hey, Hey, Hey, HEY!!
Jaxin earned his first dollar by helping Grandma pick up all the leaves on her deck. He had a lot of fun doing it and now has more money to put in his bank. This picture is blurry and the lighting was bad, but he wouldn't hold still or look at the camera for long, so I gave up. Ha! It's still cute though.
Here's Jaxin doing his Yo Gabba Gabba dance. The theme song is playing in the background. This is one of his top 5 fav. shows I think. Personally, I think the characters are cute, but the DJ is verrrry annoying. Hey, at least we don't watch it at home often. Most of the time he watches it at Grandma's. He has a dancemat that has all the characters on it and they all have different songs and sayings that go with them that he really enjoys. Kid shows these days....sigh.
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