Trick or Treat....Smell my feet!
Jaxin's 1st piece of candy.
Stopping to pick up bucket on way to house #2.
Jaxin loved the Jack-o-lanterns the best.
Stopping to pose with another jack-o-lantern.
Jaxin eyeing up all the goodies. This is our next door neighbor, Dave. Dave was sporting his Phillies gear and had just gotten home from the parade because the Phillies had won the World Series.
Hmmm....how did I make out?
Oh, FINALLY, they let me have a treat.
Getting candy and a card from Na-Na & Pop-Pop.
This was Jaxin's second Halloween, yet his first time trick or treating. We walked him around our court and then went and visited Na-Na & Pop-Pop. He had so much fun. Everyone commented on how adorable he was. He carried his bucket himself most of the time and picked out his own piece of candy to put in it at each stop. Most of the time he reached for seconds...and thirds at some. But they all let him because they thought he was so cute. Ha! I think his favorite part of all was seeing everyone's jack-o-lanterns lit up. He giggle and pointed every time he saw a new one. He kept wanting to sit on their porch's and just stare at the pumpkins. Then while we were chatting with our neighbors after he had gotten his candy, he saw Dave eating a lollipop. Now, he's never actually had a lollipop before, but he was smart enough to sort through his bucket of candy to find them and had to pick them out and lick each and every lollipop! He sat there for a good 5 minutes just licking them....keep in mind they were still wrapped. So we finally let him have one. He giggled because he knew it was something he's "not supposed to have." Then he dropped it....so he threw a fit. Later in the evening after his bath we realized he still had a sugar rush. He climbed on Jason and played the "giddy-up" game bouncing up and down on Jason's stomach. He did this laughing like crazy until Daddy bucked him off. And now they're both fast asleep....
Chim chimeny chim chimeny chim chim cheree!
Jaxin loves to sweep the floor. He's going to grow up to be a clean freak just like his daddy!
Cutest Costume
This past Saturday our development had a Halloween Party. They usually have a parade, pony rides and a moon bounce, but it rained all day. So the festivities were held inside this year. The Rhonnda association really does a lot for the kids on holidays. They had pizza & pasta from Pizza Hut along with different baked goods that people had brought. There was a clown making balloon animals and they had costume judging for each age group. Jaxin was in the 0-2 years group. They give away 3 prizes for each group. And once again, like last year, he won for cutest costume! He won a $15 giftcard to Toys R Us. (These pictures were taken at Sears.)
Linvilla Orchards
We all went to Linvilla Orchards on Sunday. Jaxin had tons of fun...even though he was very sleepy. They had a huge pumpkin patch with some of the biggest pumpkins I've ever seen. There was a bakery and a produce market. We took a hay ride through the orchards. Some of the many fruits they grow are cherries, apples, pears, apricots, and plums. Jaxin got to ride a pony whose name was Peanut Butter. Then he went on a train ride which he really enjoyed. They had a huge playground and a corn maze as well which we didn't do this time...maybe next year when he's a little bigger. We had a lot of fun and will definitely go back next year.
Baby Art 101
Jaxin had so much fun painting this time. No tears! He seemed to really enjoy using the paint brush more than his fingers. At first he was only interested in painting himself, as you can see in the video. But soon found interest in the paper again and even used his hands AND feet this time. He thought it was funny to step on the paper and laughed when doing so. So maybe he'll end up being artistic and creative like me after all.
ChuckE Cheese
Jaxin got to go to ChuckE Cheese today with Daddy, Grandma & Aunt Michelle. This is the second time that he has went but this is the first time that one of us was there to take pictures/video. I heard he had a great time. As you can see he got to go down the slide...over and over. Which is nice because it made up for him not being able to slide down the one at the playground the other day. He can climb up and scoot forward and slide down all by himself. He's so independent. He also got to ride the carousel and other motion rides. Aunt Michelle bought him a huge bouncy kick ball with the ChuckE Cheese logo on it. I'll post a picture of it later...it's huge.
Playground Promise
Jason and I had been wanting to take Jaxin down to the playground which is in our complex. We headed that way yesterday only to find a man pouring mulch everywhere with a mini bulldozer. Jaxin was very disappointed that we had to turn around and come home. So we promised him we'd go back later. Later ended up being this afternoon. We started off again and upon arriving, noticed that the man must not have finished his project yesterday. Mulch was nearly flowing over the edging that is meant to contain it. There was a huge "mud pit" in the middle of the playground that I assume must have been caused by the bulldozer tires. But because we had promised, we braved our way up the mountain of mulch. Jaxin immediately made his way toward the slide which he loves and could spend hours going down and attempting to climb back up it. My intentions were to get a video of him doing so. However there was water, dirt, and mulch on the slide which I had not anticipated. Jaxin was not in "play-clothes" so unfortuntely we skipped the slide today. He had a wonderful time swinging though. He seemed to enjoy it more today than he ever has before. He's always enjoyed the swinging, but for some reason today it seemed as if he smiled and laughed more while being pushed. All in all, we had fun and hopefully can find time to take him back soon. I will be bringing paper towels for the slide next time!
We've been teaching Jaxin where each body part is. So far he knows: ear, nose, eyes, mouth, tongue, head/hair, arm, feet, belly, and somehow learned what his "ding-dong" is from smacking it during diaper changes....and now smacks it all the time and thinks it's hilarious. It's cute now, but I hope he doesn't do this in public! While we were on vacation, Pop-Pop taught him how to pick his nose so now whenever we ask "where is your nose?", he sticks his finger up his nose.